Dear Members
2017 was our fourth year in existence as a club and our most successful year to date. From a group of local friends who set up a club to train and race together we have come a long way with established structures, coaching, significant membership and regular prizewinners. However, most importantly we have never lost our identity as a small, accessible and welcoming club.
We believe that is one of our key strengths as a club. We can change and adapt easily to suit our members. We can tailor our training in blocks to suit members racing objectives. We have a strong camaraderie and travel to events together. This April many of our members will travel to Mallorca to take part in a club warm weather training week, culminating with the (in)famous Mallorca 312 cycle sportif. We also have a strong contingent travelling to compete at Ironman Barcelona.
Whatever your goals, whether it’s your first triathlon over a sprint distance or taking your training and racing to the next level with a club, we have been successful in providing an effective platform for our members achievements. In 2018 the club and committee are as ambitious as ever with big plans to deliver an even better year.
First up, we have outlined a new club race series for our members to encourage participation. The calendar runs from February to late September and already you can see the spirit of competition being renewed. The race series is centered around the Triathlon Ireland National Series races as the club seeks to encourage as many members as possible to complete the series (4 races). This is great both on an individual level to achieve a national ranking with an opportunity to potentially represent Ireland, but also for the inter-club competition and really putting our club on the map. We intend to punch above our weight in numbers again.
We intend to build on our training events with further club duathlons and training triathlons for our members and new-to-tri members in particular. This gives beginners confidence to go and take on new races and distances in the knowledge they are well prepared. Open water clinics, nutrition talks and a basic bike skills course are all on our agenda. We will have several club members complete their Level One Coaching Course further boosting leadership and coaching expertise within the club. A race weekend to Athlone is scheduled for members during the Summer also. Members will take part in the sprint triathlon on the Saturday followed by a social night.
Our most ambitious goal will be our desire to host our very own Sprint Triathlon from Portmarnock’s Velvet Strand in June 2018. One of the nicest beaches in Ireland and a superb natural training facility on our doorstep, we hope to run one of the most memorable and enjoyable races on the calendar. Watch this space, we hope to be able to announce further details in the coming weeks!
As Chairman of a great club I am excited about what 2018 has in store for us. I look forward to all the training and racing ahead, right around the country. For anyone sitting on the fence about multisport or triathlon, I recommend making this year the year you take the plunge. Set your goals, sign up to a supportive, encouraging club and enjoy the journey to going further and faster than you ever thought possible. See you out there….. ????
Robbie Shortall
Club Chairman
Key 2017 highlights:
- Significant increase in membership to approx 100 members
- Bike maintenance course for members
- Club training duathlons
- Open water sea swim clinic
- Blocks of coached turbo training sessions
- Club cycles: introduced Wednesday evenings on top of Saturday morning
- Triathlon Ireland Age Group Awards
- Multiple podium finishers including duathlon, aquathlon, triathlon and marathon
- Supported a large group of first timers to complete their first race at Tri Athy
- Great participation and times by all at Ironman 70.3 Dublin
- Two groups travelled abroad to represent the club at Ironman 70.3 Cascais and Ironman Barcelona (full distance).
- First club race series completed with male and female prize winners
- Tri Leader Course completed by 9 club members with Level One Coaching course planned for 2018.